Following what I’ve said in the last two parts of this article, I decided to continue with this third part, in order to enlarge on certain aspects of this topic and introduce some further ideas that might help readers to understand rapport in relation to themselves and their deeper potential within the greater scheme of things – what can be referred to as the higher self.
In the most basic sense, we connect to each other as individual beings through interactive communication, and in order to communicate or interact at all, we must adhere to common rules and meanings. This is a fundamental law of nature, and it applies as much on a psychic level as it does on a physical level. For any type of communication to occur at all, whether by talking, writing, morse code, telepathy, or anything else, we must first be able to recognize and interpret the signals through a deeper, pre-established framework of understanding that all participants share. In the case of psychic events, just as with physical events, this framework defines the laws of nature that apply, and these laws apply to all involved, equally.
This means that you have as much potential within you to learn and understand and deal with your reality as any other being that shares it and operates within it. No other being has the natural right or even the ability to overrule your own spirit or higher mind, and it’s only on the lower planes of mind and body that such unwanted influence is possible. Remember this always. Losing sense of your own potentially infinite individuality is easy while you’re attention is rooted in matters that arise on these lower levels of existence, and this can be avoided by developing a clear picture of yourself in relation to the greater scheme of things – as an immortal being of immense potentiality with your own conscious intent and purpose who has voluntarily chosen to participate in an ongoing experiential process that offers the opportunity for further development of your deeper self.
When you consciously recognize this fact and picture yourself this way in your mind, whether you interpret it through your own belief system or take it as plainly as it’s stated, it will immediately empower you, and you’ll begin to establish rapport with your higher self.
I refer readers back to what was discussed in the second part of this article, where I explained how the subconscious mind is able to be programmed, and takes every mental thought, attitude, and impression you might have as an instruction. This is very important to understand, and deserves a fuller discussion in a separate article, but for now I would just like to remind the reader of what was stated, and to become mindful of the content of your thoughts and the subtler intonations and suggestive qualities within them. Knowing yourself on a deeper level involves becoming conscious of this subtler mental activity that arises even before a thought or impression is fully formed into non-abstract mental activity that consists of clearly defined words and images. This is the level that psychic influences can be detected and defended against, and so it’s very important to begin to recognize and become familiar with this lower-level mental activity and how you communicate with yourself through it. This is the level at which your conscious mind interacts with your subconscious mind, and when you have rapport with it, you can utilize the subconscious in ways that go beyond normal functioning. But for the time being, it is vital that you understand that your conscious thoughts and attitudes toward specific things can act on the subconscious in ways that cause negative outcomes or confuse it by contradictory thoughts. Positive thoughts should always dominate your consciousness, since negative thoughts will otherwise tend to come into manifestation.
I can only describe things here in terms of how I understand or perceive them, and provide concepts that I hope will convey deeper understandings, so it may be difficult for some readers to accept some of what I say except to interpret it in terms of your own belief systems, and to that I suggest you do so, since that will be to your advantage. The important thing is to recognize where your beliefs pose limitations or work against you and where they can’t accommodate your experiences and leave you with uncertainties.
It is often difficult to deal with things because we have a false impression of ourselves, having buried our weaknesses under self-denials and pretensions while letting our self-doubts limit our true capacities. It is therefore important to establish complete honesty with yourself, and recognize that you’re safe from the judgment of others when you admit to yourself your own shortcomings. Nothing is wrong with having faults, because you can learn from them. How can you ever know what’s really the best solution unless you first discover what isn’t? So, accept all your faults and weaknesses as fact, and go from there. Don’t ever mislead yourself with wishful thinking or pretentiousness, but rather take a cold, hard look at yourself, your thinking patterns, reflexive responses to things, attitudes, beliefs, etc., and take note of what stands out as your most positive and helpful traits and what stands out as your most negative and debilitating traits.
When you do this, you develop a clear, undistorted image of who you really are at a deeper level, and this will create instant rapport with your higher self. This connection is important to understand, because when you’re thinking about yourself without distortion in this way, you’re not blocking or filtering the communication you have with that higher self, and information from that higher source can come through freely and unhindered.
Nothing in life should ever be forced, and so this exercise should be undertaken without pressure or too much concern about doing it perfectly at first, and only do it to the degree that you feel comfortable with, and only when you feel ready for it. The idea is to become familiar with your deeper sense of being, and to be interested in improving on yourself so that you’ll encounter fewer problems in life and perhaps even develop new and unexpected abilities.
I don’t profess to be a teacher to anyone, and can only offer ideas that I’ve found to be useful to myself that I’ve acquired from others and incorporated into my own worldview, and this will be the same for anyone. In the process of doing this, I’ve cultivated the idea of my higher self, and developed an understanding of it in order to feel comfortable with the idea that there is a higher purpose to life that isn’t about serving some other dominating and more powerful being, which would require me to give up my free will by accepting that domination and submitting to it. I’ve never felt secure about making such a leap of faith to place myself in the hands of something or someone who I could never conceive would ever value me as much as I might value myself (and certainly not as much as itself), and I’ve always been suspicious of belief systems that demand such blind servitude. Developing an understanding of my higher self in view of the bigger picture – the higher level of reality that deals with the underlying meaning of it all… of birth and death and evolution and creative free will – has led me to perceive that our sense of self and the beliefs we hold largely determine what will become of any one of us who relinquishes our free will to a higher power that is not our own. To even think of this higher power as a separate entity to ourselves that we must depend on and make sacrifices to in order to gain its favor is a grave mistake that will only lead to greater enslavement of the potentially immortal spirit or soul, drawing us repeatedly into the coarser levels of reality such as the physical one we now find ourselves in. There is surely more to our individuality and existence than just this, in the end. We just have to recognize this fact and strive to understand it better, and it will develop more fully in our awareness as the unmitigated truth, empowering us further as individual creative beings with infinite potential.
But I let you, the reader, to choose for yourself what you want for yourself. That is exactly what you’ll get. This is a universal law of nature. This is how your deeper connectivity with the outside world responds to your conscious thoughts.
When you recognize your higher self, you recognize that there are three aspects of being – body, mind, and spirit. I don’t want to sound like I’m preaching religious doctrine, which I’m not, but these three aspects of being are very real, no matter how they’ve been described in certain belief systems. When you understand this basic fact, you’ll be able to better understand the deeper processes that are involved in your experiences and you’ll stop seeing things as problems, but rather as opportunities. As you become more familiar with your higher self and learn to communicate with it as easily as if it were your best and most trusted friend, you will definitely begin to see positive changes in yourself. You’ll also see that things begin to work in your favor, even if only in small ways. Life becomes easier. You’ll feel more complete, more capable, more prepared to deal with your experiences. You don’t need to appeal to a god or any other being that you imagine to be greater than yourself. Doing that will only handicap you by the very suggestion implicit in such an idea, that you are lesser than any other being that might exist and must depend on it.
Balance must be maintained, however. To overdo it and imagine that you’re greater than you really are will only lead to distortions that will trip you up, and this leads to all the kinds of evils that we see in the physical world, and which obsess the thoughts of many people.
It should be understood that communication with your higher self requires being in rapport with your true sense of being, which initiates a clear, undistorted signal through which communication with that higher self can be made. The communication will probably be no more than intuitive impressions, and may not appear to arrive immediately, but this is only because the connection is barely developed, and it takes some time, practice, and familiarity before the signals are easily recognized. But along the way, you’ll find that synchronicities will occur, where information that arrives first through your higher self as an idea or intuition will then (and almost immediately) be substantiated by some event or occurrence that is beyond coincidence to have happened and which relates directly to that idea or intuition you just had. For instance, I very often have ideas or intuitions that are immediately substantiated when I go to read up on some unrelated thing and the very idea or intuition is stated there in plain words, very clearly but very unexpectedly.
As a matter of fact, while in the process of writing the second part of this article, I had taken out a few library books, one of them being Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death, by the late psychic investigator Fredrick William Henry Myers, which looked to be interesting, but apart from the title I had no idea what might be within it’s pages. I only started reading the book after having already finished writing the second part of this article, and within the first few pages the author began discussing levels of awareness, which was a synchronicity in itself since I had been writing about self-awareness and along very similar lines of thought as the author was discussing. But it went even further than this. After I finished writing the previous paragraph above, I decided to take a break and do some more reading. I opened the book and continued from where I had left off earlier in the day, only to come across the following:
The idea of a threshold of consciousness – of a level above which sensation or thought must rise before it can enter into our conscious life – is a simple and familiar one. The word subliminal, meaning “beneath that threshold,” has already been used to define those sensations which are too feeble to be individually recognized. I propose to extend the meaning of the term, so as to make it cover all that takes place beneath the ordinary threshold, or outside the ordinary margin of consciousness. This includes not only those faint stimulations whose very faintness keeps them submerged, but much else which psychology as yet scarcely recognizes; sensations, thoughts, emotions, which may be strong, definite, and independent, but which seldom emerge into that supraluminal current of consciousness which we habitually identify with ourselves. Perceiving that these submerged thoughts and emotions possess the characteristics which we associate with conscious life, I feel bound to speak of a subliminal or ultramarginal consciousness. Perceiving further that this conscious life beneath the threshold or beyond the margin seems to be no discontinuous or intermittent thing; that not only are these isolated subliminal processes comparable with isolated supraliminal processes (as when a problem is solved by some unknown procedure in a dream), but that there also is a continuous subliminal chain of memory (or more chains than one) involving just that kind of individual and persistent revival of old impressions, and response to new ones, which we commonly call a Self – I find it permissible and convenient to speak of subliminal Selves, or more briefly of a subliminal Self. I do not by using this term assume that there are two correlative and parallel selves existing always within each of us. Rather I mean by the subliminal Self that part of the Self which is commonly subliminal; and I conceive that there may be, not only co-operations between these quasi-independent trains of thought, but also upheavals and alternations of personality of many kinds, so that what was once below the surface may for a time, or permanently, rise above it. And I conceive also that no Self of which we can here have cognizance is in reality more than a fragment of a larger Self.
Perhaps I was subconsciously aware of where the book’s discussion would likely lead, or perhaps I subconsciously caught a word or two off the page, or I had picked up subconscious cues some other way that led me to write about the same things as that of the author. Or perhaps it was all just a weird coincidence and meant nothing. Whatever the case, it represents a good example of what I mean by a synchronistic event, and it can be seen here how a sense of rapport existed with my higher self – which was established when I began bringing my attention to it, and which is where the information I wrote emanated from – and what I had just written was verified synchronistically by the very next passages I read in the book.
Without going much further on this topic, I should add that such instances of rapport with the higher self and the resulting synchronicities serve to guide us in the right directions of thought and action, and are like getting a supercharge of empowerment and strength of will. The only thing I would warn about is not to have exaggerated expectations regarding your higher self, and to always strive to be honest with yourself about your faults and your strengths, in order that you know where you need more work and where you exult. Then give your higher self the permission to help you in small ways that you can handle and have the most potential to work, never demanding of it and always being patient for the results.
One more piece of wisdom that has helped me to assure that I am always dealing with a benevolent power and not some trickster entity or psychic influences that are meant to deceive… No benevolent power, whether a higher being or a god or anything else, will never force a situation upon you, but will instead only come to you when invited, will only offer something as a suggestion or an opportunity without strings attached and no intimated threats or consequences if you don’t comply. Anything other than that is an abuse of your free will, and your higher self knows this and respects your rights on these lower planes.
I now leave you and move on to enjoy further inspiration through the book I have just quoted from, which promises to be a rewarding experience, indeed. I hope that I’ve developed some positive rapport with my readers, and have helped them to find rapport with their own higher self.
Stay strong!
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